Read this licence agreement carefully before Installing this game software. You may use this CRYO Product only if you agree to the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree to the following terms and conditions, you must not install this software. The following are the terms and conditions to which you agree upon when installing the software:
1. The CRYO Product may be used with your computer only and may not be reformatted or decompiled for any purpose.
2. No copies of the CRYO Product may be produced for any purpose.
3. This Licence and the CRYO Product may be transferred to a third party, provided that, the third party agrees to all the terms of this Licence Agreement and you destroy any remaining installed copies of this CRYO Product immediately upon transferring the product.
4. This licence does not transfer any right, title, or interest in the CRYO Product to you except as specifically set forth herein. You are on notice that CRYO claims protection of this software product under copyright laws. This software product may have been developed by an independent third party software supplier named in this package, which holds copyright or other proprietary rights to the software product. You may be held responsible by this supplier for any infringement of such rights by you.
5. CRYO reserves the right to terminate this licence upon breach. In the event of termination, you will be required to return all copies of this product or provide CRYO with a certificate of destruction of all copies.
6. In the event that you modify the CRYO Product or include it in any other software programme, upon termination of this licence, you agree either to remove the software product or any portion thereof from the modified programme and return it to CRYO or to provide CRYO with a certificate of destruction thereof.
7. If this product is acquired under the terms of a US Government
(i) GSA contract - use, reproduction or disclosure is subject to the restrictions set forth in the applicable ADP Schedule contract,
(ii) DOD contract - use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of 252.277-7013;
(iii) Civilian agency contract - use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to 52.277-19
(a) through (d) and restrictions set forth in the accompanying End User Agreement.
8. Other countries should apply the relevant legislation regarding copyrights.